executive coaching services

Executive Coaching Services

Performance Oriented Coaching

Process and Structure of Coaching

There are a number of different structures and processes that coaches use, and we have opted to use John Whitmore's GROW model. John is a top executive coach and thinker about coaching in general and we believe that GROW is appropriate for the vast majority of situations, if it is used with flexibility (see Coaching books for further details).

The following paragraphs give am overview of the GROW model. Note the actual model begins with theme or topic, so really it should be the TGROW model.

The GROW Model
GROW Model
T is for Topic

The person who is being coached decides what aspect of their business, in a general sense, they would like to work on. Some topics that may come to mind are sponsoring, repeat business, etc. Whatever the TOPIC, the next step is to establish a specific goal, which takes you on to the next section.

G is for Goal

Establishing the goal for each particular coaching session is essential. Time spent clarifying a goal at this stage increases the probability of a positive outcome enormously. The result of succeeding on a regular basis is increased confidence, enhanced motivation, high self esteem and a releasing of unlimited human potential. So success becomes a habit.

There may be many goals, which the person wants to achieve in their Networking career. Trying to cover too many at once does not serve them. Indeed, in an early session the goal may be just to prioritise their goals so that they can decide what they want to achieve first. As a coach it is important that you remain non-judgmental and unconditional. When a person is choosing a goal, all that matters is that the goal is significant to them. Your role as a coach is to use questions in order to encourage the coachee to gain clarity around their goal. Clarity is gained by getting very specific about the goal.

Goals need to be expressed in the

  • Positive
  • Personal
  • Present tense

For example, 'I network in a way that is right for me. (Whatever that means to you.) Taking time to clarify a goal is time well spent. You may also find SMART helps with planning a goal.

  • Specific - vague goals lead to vague attempts to achieve them
  • Measurable - you need to be able to evaluate progress to stay on track
  • Achievable - goals have to be possible but also stretching
  • Realistic - it is essential that you are able to achieve your goal
  • Timed - deciding on an appropriate time frame is also crucial

When the goal for the session is clearly defined, establishing the current reality is important.

R is for Reality

This is where the clearest, most realistic picture of the current situation is achieved. Your role as a coach is to use questions to raise the coachee's awareness of how things are for them at this moment in time. Once a clear idea of the current reality is established, exploring the options for achieving the goal is possible. Notice that the goal is discussed before the current reality is explored. This is for a very specific purpose.

The coachee is held safely in the place of anything is possible to unleash their full creative potential. Then the means with which to achieve are explored without negative or limiting beliefs getting in the way. Any limiting beliefs that emerge in the reality check can be dealt with through the same questioning techniques that were explored in the Chapter on Values and Beliefs. During a reality check, the coachee may become aware that the goal they originally chose needs to be modified, in some way. Even another goal can be selected at this point as other things may emerge as being more important.

O is for Options

This is the place to get really creative and have a lot of fun. Without any judgement, the coachee is encouraged to come up with as many options to achieve their goal as possible. The more lateral the thinking the better. Remember, there is no such thing as a daft idea.

It is really important that this process runs its full course, carry on asking 'What else can you think of?' until you have a comprehensive list. The power of this exercise should not be underestimated. Not only does it show them that they have options, but that they have lots of them. Be aware of the urge to make suggestions. A simple way to check is to ask yourself, 'who is doing most of the talking?' If it is you rather than them, you may be shutting down their creative thinking and shutting out some of their options.

Telling someone what to do does not empower them because they can become dependent on you for ideas for ever. If, however, the coachee gets stuck in this section, then as the coach, and with the permission of the coachee, you can enter into a creative thinking period. Here you can offer your own ideas and experiences, or those of others to stimulate them to be creative. The difference here to telling someone what works is that once more options are on the table, the question is asked 'what option excites you most?' The coachee is invited to decide what suits them best and continues to take ownership of what they plan to do. From here, you can move smoothly into the Way Forward.

W is for Will

Your role as the coach is to ask the questions that support action. For example,

  • Who are you planning to talk to?
  • How are you going to contact them?
  • When are you going to talk to them?
  • Where are you going to talk to them?
  • What are you going to say?

This is essentially a call to action, and since everything that has occurred up to now has been decided by the person who is being coached the final decision lasts with them also.

This is the section where the coachees can listen to themselves making plans to take action and, in the process, making a commitment to carry these actions out. From the coach/sponsor's perspective, you can also hear in their tone of voice just how committed they are to following this through. This is an enormous bonus for a sponsor because, the responsibility and ownership of a coachee's business lies with them and, with practice, you can hear someone's intention. Seeing the evidence of a coachee implementing their plan can assist you to decide how much more energy to give in assisting them to build their business.

Can we assist with your coaching requirements? Just email us now with your details and we'll get back to you.

Contact john@executive-coaching-services.co.uk

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